danielle ford

Danielle Ford

For Nevada State Board of Education, District 3

As a Las Vegas Native, former CCSD student, parent of CCSD students, and former CCSD School Board Trustee, I am dedicated to making education better for the students and staff in Nevada.

daniellle ford ccsd state board candidate

If elected I will work to:

Provide oversight over Nevada’s public school districts, charter authority, and private schools

Expand early education and pre-k programs throughout all school districts

Reduce barriers for higher education throughout the state, ensuring every student graduates college and career-ready

Rethink and modify the system in a way that supports the learning styles of neurodiverse students

Empower parents to have more input and involvement at school sites

Lessen the amount of state mandates that add unnecessary workloads for all educators and school staff

Reform the teacher evaluation and student testing models to be less punitive and more whole-child focused

Questions Asked Along the Campaign Trail

Describe yourself:

I am someone who thrives on challenging the status quo. As a mother, advocate, and former school board trustee, I know that the education system needs a fresh perspective—one rooted in the lived experiences of those it serves. I am deeply committed to making education equitable and accessible for all students, especially those who have been historically underserved. My journey into public service began with a desire to create change for my own children, and it has expanded into a mission to improve the system for every child in Nevada.

What are your qualifications for this office?

As a former trustee on the Clark County School Board, I have firsthand experience navigating the complexities of Nevada’s largest school district. During my tenure, I advocated for transparency, student-centered policies, and the empowerment of educators. I bring a track record of community involvement, leadership, and a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities within our education system. My work as an education advocate, combined with my ability to collaborate with stakeholders, makes me uniquely qualified to serve on the State Board of Education.

What are your top three priorities?

1. Expand early education and Pre-K programs across the state. Early education is the foundation of a strong educational system. It’s the #1 investment that will have long-term impacts, ensuring our children are better prepared for both school and life. If we want to see real change, we must start at the very beginning.
2. Reduce the number of mandates imposed on educators by the state. Nevada’s teachers are drowning in paperwork and directives, often at the expense of time spent teaching. The current system treats educators as cogs in a machine rather than the experts they are. By reducing state mandates, we can empower educators and create a more sustainable teaching environment, which will help with retention.
3. Reform standardized testing to focus on the whole child. We need a system that reflects the complexity of student growth and development, not one that penalizes educators or students based on a narrow set of metrics. Shifting toward assessments that are more holistic and community-centered will help ensure our education system serves the true needs of Nevada’s students.

What experience or perspective will you bring to the State Board of Education?

I have a plethora of insight into Nevada’s education system. As a student, I attended both CCSD and religious private school. I navigated Head Start and 13 years of public school with both of my children. 15 of my nieces and nephews are currently enrolled in CCSD, and I served on the Clark County Board of Trustees from 2019-2022. The thing that sets me apart and is a valuable asset when working in groups is my ADHD. My divergent thinking allows me to see the big picture, notice things others often miss, come up with out-of-the-box ideas and solutions, and lead passionately and courageously at times like this when authentic, heart-centered leadership is crucial.

What do you believe to be the most pressing issues in Nevada’s educational systems?

The most pressing issues are the underfunding of schools, teacher shortages, and the widening achievement gap. Nevada ranks low due to overcrowded classrooms and outdated standardized testing methods. The burden placed on educators through state mandates also contributes to teacher burnout and high turnover. A systemic overhaul, focused on equity and empowering educators, is necessary to create better learning environments and opportunities for all students.

What do you believe are the most persistent challenges facing the State Board of Education? What is an example of a bold approach you would propose to address one of those challenges?

The biggest challenges facing the Nevada State Board of Education are related to influences outside of Nevada who have a corporate agenda. The solution to this is expanding the board’s network and connecting with other state board members and influences who are not obsessed with standardized testing and corporate reform, and who can advise us in operating in a way that truly supports public schools and the communities they serve. Only with big action towards protecting Public Education, can we fix the individual issues through the state.

How do you define student success?

I believe that schools are LEARNING institutions. To me a successful student is one who is showing continued progress in their learning, whether they are below, above, or on pace with their peers. Over the past several decades schools have morphed into TESTING institutions that only place value on math and reading through the use of standardized assessments, which cost school districts millions of dollars each year to use. Our students are not standard and the only people benefiting from the use of standardized tests are the adults who profit from them.

If elected, I will advocate for a paradigm shift in which the focus is on teaching kids HOW to learn instead of WHAT to learn. I will push to recognize all subjects, arts, electives, and extra-curriculars with the same importance as is placed on math and reading, and work to ensure every student has access to education and opportunities that allow them to succeed in their areas of interest and passion.

How will you tackle concerns surrounding school safety for both students and teachers?

School safety needs a comprehensive approach, combining physical safety measures with mental health support. We should ensure schools have appropriate security protocols but also focus on creating environments where students feel supported and connected to their peers and teachers. Increasing access to mental health resources, training staff in conflict resolution and de-escalation, and fostering a culture of open communication can help prevent violence before it starts. Additionally, we must address the root causes of violence, such as bullying and social isolation.

We have seen progress over the last few years, but we still have pay inequities, affordable housing shortages, affordable day care shortages, etc. What will be your first priority in this area, and why?

Universal pre-k is a top priority, not just to prepare children for kindergarten but also to support families. My kids attended Head Start and it was a life saver for me. We need to expand Head Start, ensure all elementary schools have a full-day program, and explore innovative solutions such as childcare programs at highschools.

What changes to sex education curriculum would you support and why?

I spearheaded the changes CCSD made to the sex education curriculum in 2019. In my first month on the school board I requested an item to get in compliance with NRS and then oversaw the forming of both the Sex Ed Member Recommending Committee and the Sex Ed Advisory Committee. I helped a few members get appointed who were able to bring forward and approve the medically-accurate and inclusive curriculum the school district currently uses. Additionally, twice during discussions on CCSD’s legislative bills, I proposed and fought for CCSD to carry a bill to change the opt-in sex ed policy to opt-out, but was voted down both times. If an opt-out bill is brought forward in the 2025 legislative session, I intend to educate parents on it and gather community support to ensure it passes.

In what ways have you supported equal rights?

I have built relationships and alliances with nearly all of the advocacy groups in Clark County and Nevada. I’m a believer in letting the experts and those on the front lines have seats at the tables where decisions are made. While I am an avid learner, I am more of a big-picture thinker, and one of my strengths is finding the people who have the answers and then bringing everyone’s ideas and solutions together to create something new. So while I will always support equity and civil rights, my default mode is to let the people with the lived experiences lead.

Get Involved

There are lots of opportunities to get involved with the campaign and help Danielle win a seat on the Nevada State Board of Education!

Woo hoo❗️ I placed 1st in the June Primary Election! 🎉 Now it’s down to 2 of us…

The General Election is November 5th, 2024. Early voting is open from Saturday, October 19th to Friday, November 1st.


If you live in the tan area (District 3) I’ll be on your ballot! I graciously ask for your vote 🙏 🗳️

nevada board of education election

About Danielle Ford

Danielle Ford is a Las Vegas native, mother to 2 adult children, aunt to 21 nieces & nephews, and fur mom to 2 dogs & 3 cats.

A newcomer in the political arena, Danielle came in first of 9 candidates for School Board Trustee during the 2018 primary elections, defeated the establishment candidate in the general election, and swore in as Trustee of Clark County School District, the 5th largest district in the nation, in 2019.

During her four years on the Board of Trustees, she witnessed the questionable spending of over $20 billion. She had a front-row seat to the complex power plays, the manipulative strategies, and the coordinated attacks by outsiders on the public school district she grew up in. 

In November 2023 she launched the podcast “Unraveling Education” to expose the covert operations happening within the Clark County School District, and empower the community to fight back.

unraveling education podcast danielle ford nevada state board

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